Announcing Tracy's 50th Year as a
Donor Activist & 45th as a Philanthropic
& Legacy Advisor.
Catalyzing Change thru Engaging
Donor Activism
February 2023 thru December 2024.
What's your
Tracy Gary
offers practical wisdom,
clarity and greater peace
of mind to people who
seek to thoughtfully
manage their inherited
or earned wealth.

Internationally recognized, Tracy Gary is known for her decades of work in the field of activist philanthropy. Her unique strategy is threefold: she advises donors in aligning their giving with their deepest values, works with non-profit leadership in their fundraising proficiency, and builds networks across communities. Her effectiveness in galvanizing change that addresses global needs arises from her core organizing principle: that the way we create a better world is by inviting all to the table.
As the Co-founder of Unleashing Generosity, which she co-directs with Susan Burns worked as a philanthropic advisor with over 500 donors and over 100 foundations (including family foundations which extend across multiple generations). As a field innovator and nonprofit entrepreneur, she has founded or co-founded 23 nonprofits including Inspired Legacies, the Women Donors Network, Resourceful Women, Women Moving Millions, Engaged Donors for Global Equity (EDGE Funders), and the Tipping Point Network. She has been a member of Advisors in Philanthropy and has worked with hundreds of family and investment advisors.
Tracy is a speaker, consultant and workshop leader, offering her services through Wholehearted Generosity, her private consultancy practice. She has worked in all 50 states and 23 countries. Her book, Inspired Philanthropy: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Giving Plan and Leaving a Legacy, is in its 3 printing and has sold over 44,000 copies.

Philanthropy. . .more than just giving.
The Modern Mindset - Impacting Change
Research shows that people who convene in networks accelerate their giving and creativity when they meet other donors and hear their stories. Their generosity is further stimulated when they build relationships with leaders of social change organizations and diverse community activists.
Sample Workshop Presentations & Keynotes For Advisors and Donors:
Creating a Strategic Giving Plan
Living and Leaving your Legacy
Unleashing the Generosity Generation
Transformative Donor Leadership & Giving
Working with Advisors for Inspired Outcomes
Inter-generational Giving: Sparking the Giving Impulse
Women as Family Legacy Weavers and Money Mentors
New Trends in Transformative Giving and Donor Leadership
Choosing and Managing Financial and Estate Planning Advisors
Inspired Philanthropy: Creating a Strategic Giving and Legacy Plan
Youth Giving and Youth Giving Circles: New Trends in Creating Change
Inspired Leadership: Best Practices of Fundraising, and Philanthropic Mentorship
Community-Based Giving: Donors, Community Leaders and Activists in Partnership
For Families, Nonprofits, Wealth Networks, or Business Round-tables:
Let's Get Together Before Crisis Hits
Donor Intent: Inspiring Generosity and Financial Independence
Family Retreats: Facilitating Exchange for Times of Transition
Venture & Adventure Philanthropy: New Trends in Excellence
Getting Over the Fear of Asking for Major Gifts: Becoming a Donor Partner
Getting Our Family on the Same Song sheet: 10 Essentials for Wealthy Families
Raising Money and Leveraging Influence: How to Maximize Your Capacities & Impact
Inspired Living, Inspired Giving: Advisors, Donors & Nonprofits Working Together for Change
Becoming an Outstanding Board Member: Keys to Successful Teamwork and Fearless Fundraising
Philanthropic and Legacy Vehicles: Private Foundations, Supporting Foundations, and Donor Advised Funds
Family Unity: Creating a Values-Based Family Mission Statement and a Philanthropic and Legacy Statement
What Every Family Catalyst Needs to Know to Move their Families
Tracy Gary has been a philanthropic
and legacy advisor for 45 years and a
donor activist for 50 years.
DO NOT miss out on her years of expertise.
Representative, Michelle Massman of Massman Companies. Submit form and she'll get back to you.
Dates available, content, deposit and scope of work fees, and expense estimates, can be reviewed with Michelle and Tracy. Tracy is traveling in person and will do a limited number of Zooms monthly 10 months a year to support training and coaching. Tracy generally comes in for 2-3 days and gives up to 2 keynotes and 3 trainings or events, in one 24 hrs, and up to 8 varied events over 48 hrs. Co-Sponsors may share costs and co-host events.